Thursday, February 26, 2015

Constructing Binary Tree from In-Order and Pre-Order traversals - C++

Binary Search Tree Implementation in C++

using namespace std;

struct node{
char data;

node * left;
node * right;
} *root;

void printTree(node  * root){

int search(char A[], char key, int start, int end){
int pos = -1;
for(int i=start; i<= end; i++){
if(A[i] == key){
pos = i;

return pos;

int preIndex = 0;
node * makeTree(char inOrder[], char preOrder[], int start, int end){
if(start > end){
return NULL;
node * temp = new node;
char key = preOrder[preIndex];
temp->data = key;

if(start == end){
return temp;

int inIndex = search(inOrder, key, start, end);
if(inIndex == -1)
cout<<"Mismatch in preOrder and inOrder lists";
return NULL;

temp->left = makeTree(inOrder, preOrder, start, inIndex-1);
temp->right = makeTree(inOrder, preOrder, inIndex+1, end);
return temp;

int main(){
int n = 6;

char inOrder[] = {'D', 'B', 'E', 'A', 'F', 'C'};
char preOrder[] = {'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'C', 'F'};

root = makeTree(inOrder,preOrder,0,n-1);

return 0;

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Binary Search Tree implementation in C++

Binary Search Tree Implementation in C++

using namespace std;

struct node{
int data;

node * left;
node * right;
} *root;

node * insert(node *root, int e){
if(root == NULL){
root = new node;
root->data = e;
return root;
} else if ((root->data) > e) {
root->left = insert(root->left,e);
} else if ((root->data) < e) {
root->right = insert(root->right,e);

return root;


node * search(node * root, int e){
if(root == NULL){
return NULL;
} else if(root->data == e){
return root;
} else if(root->data > e){
return search(root->left,e);
} else {
return search(root->right,e);

void makeTreeFromArray(int A[], int n){
for(int i=0; i<n;i++){
root = insert(root, A[i]);

void printTree(node  * root){
cout<<root->data<<"  ";

int countLeaves(node * root){
if(root == NULL){
return 0;
} else {
if( (root->left == NULL) && (root->right == NULL) ){
return 1;
} else {
return countLeaves(root->left) + countLeaves(root->right);
node * findMax(node * root){
if(root == NULL){
return NULL;
} else if(root->right == NULL){
return root;
} else {
return findMax(root->right);

node * deleteNode(node * root, int e){
if(root == NULL){
cout<<"Element not found";
} else if(e > root->data){
root->right = deleteNode(root->right, e);
} else if(e < root->data){
root->left = deleteNode(root->left, e);
} else {
if(root->left && root->right){
node * temp = findMax(root->left);
root->data = temp->data;
root->left = deleteNode(root->left, temp->data);
} else {
node * temp = root;
root = root->left;
}else if(root->right){
root = root-> right;
} else {
root = NULL;
delete temp;
return root;

int main(){
int A[] = {6,2,10,1,3,8,11,7,9,5,4};
int n = 11;



root = deleteNode(root, 6);
cout<<"\nNumber of leaves : "<<countLeaves(root)<<"\n";
return 0;

KMP String Matching in C++

 Program to match a pattern in a given string using KMP Algorithm
 Run time of the Algo : O(n + m)
  n - Size of String
  m - Size of Pattern
 @author - yazar :
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Variable to strore the prefix function
//If there is a mismatch between T[i] and P[j] then we will look into 
//F[j-1] to get the next potential match location
int F[200];

//Function to compute Prefix function for the given pattern
void createPrefixTable(char P[], int m){
 int i = 1;
 int j = 0;
 //If there is a mismatch in the 0th location of pattern, 
 //it is then good to look again at 0th position for a match
 F[0] = 0;
 //Loop to set each field of prefix table
  //If ith location in prefix table matches that of jth location
  //then set the next location to be matched in case of failure as 
  if(P[i] == P[j]){
   F[i] = j+1;
  } else if(j>0){
   //If there is a mismatch while computing the 
   //match prefix with the pattern,
   // Set the value of j to next potential point of match
   j = F[j-1];
  } else {
   F[i] = 0;

//Function to match a pattern within a text
int matchPattern(char T[], int n, char P[], int m){
 //Computing prefix table for matching
 int i=0, j=0;
 //Loop to iterate throughout the text
  //If there is a match in the current character within the pattern
  if(T[i] == P[j]){
   //If the entire pattern is matched, return current location
   if(j == (m-1) ){
    return i - j;
   } else {
    //Otherwise increment i and j, so that 
    //consecutive Pattern positions will be matched
  } else if(j > 0){
   //If there is a mismatch, set the value 
   //of j to next potential point of Match
   //(ie. F[j-1] as there is a match till P[j-1])
   j = F[j-1];
  } else {
 return -1;

int main(){
 char P[200], T[500];
 //Readin the Text and pattern from user
 cout<<"Enter a pattern : ";
 cout<<"Enter a String : ";
 int n, m;
 n = strlen(T);
 m = strlen(P);
 //Calling the function to perform match
 int location = matchPattern(T,n,P,m);
 if(location == -1){
  cout<<"Pattern "<<P<<" Not found in String "<<T<<"\n";
 } else {
  cout<<"Pattern "<<P<<" found in the string "<<T<<" at "<<location<<"\n";