Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Binary Search Tree in Scheme

;Impliementing tree. and thus binary searching.....

;Checks whether the given node is a leaf...
(define (leaf? tree)
 (if (and (null? (left-branch tree) (null? right-branch tree)))
;Checks wheter the tree has only left branch
(define (left-only? tree)
 (if (and (null? (right-branch tree)) (not (null? (left-branch tree))))


;Checks wheter the tree has only left branch
(define (right-only? tree)
 (if (and (null? (left-branch tree)) (not (null? (right-branch tree))))


;When node, left branch and right branch of the tree are passed as arguements, 
;the function will make and return the tree
(define (make-tree node left-branch right-branch)
    (list node left-branch right-branch)

;This function returns the node element of a given tree
(define (node tree)
    (car tree)


;This function returns the left branch(subtree) of a given tree
(define (left-branch tree)
    (cadr tree)

;This function returns the right branch(subtree) of a given tree
(define (right-branch tree)
    (caddr tree)

;This function will insert an element into a tree and returns the new tree
(define (insert e tree)
        ((null? tree) (make-tree e '() '()));If the passed tree is null then a new tree of the form (e '() '())
                                            ;will be created
        ((= e (node tree)) tree) ; If the node of the element is eqaual to the elemented to be inserted
                                    ; Then there is no need for inserting and the previous tree will be returned.
        ;If the element is greater than the node element, then the element shud be inserted 
        ;somewhere in the right-branch        
        ((> e (node tree)) 
            (make-tree (node tree) (left-branch tree) (insert e (right-branch tree)))
        ;If the element is greater than the node element, then the element shud be inserted 
        ;somewhere in the left-branch  
        ((< e (node tree))
            (make-tree (node tree) (insert e (left-branch tree)) (right-branch tree))

;This function is called to make a tree from a given list..
;It will call the function set->tree2 with cdr of set and a new tree with root node (car set) as arguement
(define (set->tree set)
    (if (null? set)
        (set->tree2 (cdr set) (make-tree (car set) '() '()))    

;This functon will extract each element of set and insert it into the given tree
(define (set->tree2 set tree)
    (if (null? set)
        (set->tree2 (cdr set) (insert (car set) tree))


;Searching an element in a binary search tree..
(define (search-tree e tree)
        ((null? tree) #f) ; If the set is null result is boolean false
        ((= (node tree) e) #t) ; If the node of tree equals e, the result is true
        ((> e (node tree)) (search-tree e (right-branch tree))); if e is greater than node element, it shud be searched in right-branch
        ((< e (node tree)) (search-tree e (left-branch tree))) ; if e is lesser than node element, it shud be searched in right-branch

;The function which user calls for searching element in a set,
;It will call the functions make the set to a binary search tree and then to perform binary search
(define (search e set)

    (search-tree e (set->tree set))

;Inserting tree1 into ertreme right of tree2(function used while deletion...)..

(define (join-trees tree1 tree2)
 (if (null? tree2)
    (make-tree (node tree2) (left-branch tree2) (join-trees tree1 (right-branch tree2)))

;Function to delete an element from a tree..

(define (delete e tree)
 (if (null? tree)

  ;If the tree is not null then....
  (cond  ((= e (node tree))
     (cond ((leaf? tree)
      ((left-only? tree)
       (left-branch tree)
      ((right-only? tree)
       (right-branch tree)
       (join-trees (right-branch tree) (left-branch-tree)      
   ((> e (node tree)) 
    (make-tree (node tree) (left-branch tree) (delete e (right-branch tree)) )
   ((< e (node tree)) 
    (make-tree (node tree) (delete e (left-branch tree)) (right-branch tree)  )



;function for sorting..
(define (sort-tree tree)
 (if (null? tree)
  (append (sort-tree (left-branch tree)) (list (node tree)) (sort-tree (right-branch tree)))


(define (tree-sort set)
 (sort-tree (set->tree set))

(define mylist (list 7 4 9 1 2 10 11 15 5))
(define mytree (set->tree mylist))


  1. can you please tell how to give the input

    1. Please check the two function calls given in the end of that program:

      (define mylist (list 7 4 9 1 2 10 11 15 5))
      (define mytree (set->tree mylist))

      The first one will create a list from the given elements and assign that to the variable mylist.

      Using the second one we are creating a binary search tree out of mylist using the function set->tree and we are assigning that to mylist.

      You can insert other elements using insert function as
      (define mylist (insert 5 mylist) )

      In a similar way you can try other functions as well...
