Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Searching an array for an element in NASM (Assembly)

section .bss
  digit0: resb 1
  digit1: resb 1
  array:  resb 50
  element: resb 1
  num: resb 1
  pos: resb 1
  temp: resb 1
  ele: resb 1

section .data

msg1: db "Enter the number of numbers : "
size1: equ $-msg1
msg2: db "Enter a number:"
size2: equ $-msg2
msg3: db "Enter the number to be searched : "
size3: equ $-msg3
msg_found: db "Element found at position : "
size_found: equ $-msg_found
msg_not: db "Element not found"
size_not: equ $-msg_not

section .text
  global _start


;Printing the message to enter the number
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg1
  mov edx, size1
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, temp
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  

  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  mov byte[num], al
  mov al, byte[digit0]
  add byte[num], al
  mov al, byte[num]

  mov byte[temp], al

  mov ebx, array

  push ebx

  ;Printing the message to enter the numbers
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg2
  mov edx, size2
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 2
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  
  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  add al, byte[digit0]

  ;al now contains the number
  pop ebx

  mov byte[ebx], al

  add ebx, 1

  dec byte[temp]
  cmp byte[temp], 0

jg reading

  ;Reading the number to be searched :.....

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg3
  mov edx, size3
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 2
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  
  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  add al, byte[digit0]

  mov byte[ele], al

  movzx ecx, byte[num]

  mov ebx, array
  mov byte[pos], 1


  push ecx
  mov al , byte[ebx]

  cmp al, byte[ele]
  je found

  add ebx, 1

  pop ecx
  add byte[pos], 1

loop searching
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg_not
  mov edx, size_not
  int 80h

  mov eax, 1
  mov ebx, 0
  int 80h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg_found
  mov edx, size_found
  int 80h
  movzx ax, byte[pos]
  mov bl, 10
  div bl
  mov byte[digit1], al
  mov byte[digit0], ah

  add byte[digit0], 30h
  add byte[digit1], 30h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h
  jmp exit
  section .bss
  digit0: resb 1
  digit1: resb 1
  array:  resb 50
  element: resb 1
  num: resb 1
  pos: resb 1
  temp: resb 1
  ele: resb 1

section .data

msg1: db "Enter the number of numbers : "
size1: equ $-msg1
msg2: db "Enter a number:"
size2: equ $-msg2
msg3: db "Enter the number to be searched : "
size3: equ $-msg3
msg_found: db "Element found at position : "
size_found: equ $-msg_found
msg_not: db "Element not found"
size_not: equ $-msg_not

section .text
  global _start


;Printing the message to enter the number
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg1
  mov edx, size1
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, temp
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  

  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  mov byte[num], al
  mov al, byte[digit0]
  add byte[num], al
  mov al, byte[num]

  mov byte[temp], al

  mov ebx, array

  push ebx

  ;Printing the message to enter the numbers
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg2
  mov edx, size2
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 2
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  
  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  add al, byte[digit0]

  ;al now contains the number
  pop ebx

  mov byte[ebx], al

  add ebx, 1

  dec byte[temp]
  cmp byte[temp], 0

jg reading

  ;Reading the number to be searched :.....

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg3
  mov edx, size3
  int 80h
  ;Reading the number
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 2
  int 80h

  sub byte[digit1], 30h
  sub byte[digit0], 30h  
  mov al, byte[digit1]
  mov dl, 10
  mul dl
  add al, byte[digit0]

  mov byte[ele], al

  movzx ecx, byte[num]

  mov ebx, array
  mov byte[pos], 1


  push ecx
  mov al , byte[ebx]

  cmp al, byte[ele]
  je found

  add ebx, 1

  pop ecx
  add byte[pos], 1

loop searching
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg_not
  mov edx, size_not
  int 80h

  mov eax, 1
  mov ebx, 0
  int 80h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg_found
  mov edx, size_found
  int 80h
  movzx ax, byte[pos]
  mov bl, 10
  div bl
  mov byte[digit1], al
  mov byte[digit0], ah

  add byte[digit0], 30h
  add byte[digit1], 30h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, digit1
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, digit0
  mov edx, 1
  int 80h
  jmp exit

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